

See below the new trailer and Shannon’s Secret Project!

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A Rylee Adamson Novel, Book 5

New Adult/Adult Paranormal Romance

Publisher: HiJinks Ink Publishing Ltd.

Released: November 21st , 2013

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“My name is Rylee, and I am a Tracker.”

When children go missing, and the Humans have no leads, I’m the one they call. I am their last hope in bringing home the lost ones. I salvage what they cannot.

Crossing into Ogre country is dangerous when you’re a polite, respectful gal. Which means I already know I’m in for a wild ride, despite the back-up I’ve brought along.

Even when things start to go sideways, and enemies close on us from every side, I still believe we have the upper hand.

How very blind can one person be when it comes to a salvage?

I’m about to find out.
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PLEASE NOTE: ALL of the Rylee Adamson Novels (both paperback and ebooks) have been reformatted inside and look AMAZING!! The ebooks even include a new state of the art technology to help you keep track of characters from book to book.





For months now, Shannon has been teasing you all with a “secret project” she’s been working on. Have you figured out yet what the puzzle pieces add up to? As her Christmas present to you all, she’s unveiling it now:

For the first EVER time you’ll get to hear what Alex is thinking inside his head with……

ALEX (A Rylee Adamson Short Story)


New Adult/Adult Paranormal Romance

Publisher: HiJinks Ink Publishing Ltd.

Release date: December 12th , 2013

Cover designed by Damon Za

Available EXCLUSIVELY on Amazon on December 12, 2013

“My name is Rylee, and I am a Tracker.”

But this isn’t Rylee’s story.

It’s mine. Before I lost my ability to think like an adult. Before my body became stuck between wolf and human.

Before I knew the supernatural and Rylee even existed. This is the last of what I remember before I became a werewolf . . . this is the last of what is important to me.

And the moments I fought so hard to hang onto.

My name is Alex, and this is my story.

**Short story 14k Words**



Rylee Adamson Interview

My name is Rylee. I don’t like it when people use my last name, it reminds me of where I’m from and the people who turned on me. I was adopted as a baby into a family where they couldn’t have children naturally. But when I was ten, my parents got a surprise. A miracle baby, a little girl with golden hair and bright blue eyes.

When I was sixteen, I was accused of killing her; our parents believed the police. But I don’t really want to talk about that as it was over ten years ago. I’m trying to let it go.

I’m a Tracker, a supernatural who can trace anyone’s life threads finding them regardless of whether they’re dead or alive. I prefer alive, dead is messy, but so often that is the case. I’m also an Immune, magic slides off me as if I don’t exist. That is handy.

Gods, I’m sweating here trying not to swear. Are you sure I can’t use at least one four letter word? No, of course not.

I never Track adults. They can bloody well take care of themselves. I only ever Track kids. Probably I’m trying to make up for not saving my sister. But I’ll leave that up to the psychologists out there to decipher my motives.

Alex is my buddy, a werewolf trapped between forms; half man, half wolf. Submissive, goofy and loyal to the bone he is the one spot of bright light in my life. I think you’d like him the best of the two of us. I know I can be a hard ass, I can’t seem to help it. But Alex has never met someone he couldn’t win over with a floppy wave of his oversized paws. He might not be the best back-up, but he makes me smile and in my world, that is enough.

Someone once asked me what it was like to Track kids for parents who had no one else to turn to, for parents who’d lost hope that their child would ever be returned to them.

This was my answer: It’s a weight and a responsibility that sits on me, I took an oath that I would never stop Tracking lost children. That I would put my life on the line for those who can’t save themselves, and that I would fight to my last breath to keep a child alive.

And I wouldn’t have it any other way.


Agent Liam O’Shea Interview

The Daily Grind

September 13/2012

Cold Case Heats Back Up?

There is no such thing as a case that is too cold, at least according to Liam O’Shea. He has been an FBI agent for over ten years, and in that time only one case of his remains open.

His first case.

At the time, Agent O’Shea was fresh out of the academy and “still believed that justice always prevails”. Then along came the case that would chill the hearts of every agent working it, many of them parent’s themselves.

Rylee Adamson, then sixteen years old, was accused and charged with killing her younger sister Berget; whose body was never found. The case made media headlines as Adamson went missing for close to two weeks and a man hunt the size this state had not seen in a hundred years ensued. Adopted into the Adamson household, her younger sister was a ‘miracle’ baby that by all accounts Adamson adored. It wasn’t until an outing the two girls took to Deerborn Park that Adamson’s actions would come into question.

“The younger girl’s blood and clothing was found several blocks away tucked behind a dumpster,” Agent O’Shea said, “and the only hair fibers found were the two girls, Berget and Rylee. There is no one else it could be that killed little Berget.” To O’Shea, it was an open and shut case; and with Adamson’s disappearing act he felt her guilt was obvious. But he, along with the other police enforcement involved where denied the closing of the case on a technicality in court.

“It’s only because of her lawyer, hired by Giselle Trinkoff, that Adamson wasn’t found guilty. A technicality I aim to right.” O’Shea states.

To date, Adamson has not been proven guilty of any charges, though O’Shea is determined to change that fact. “She got away once. She won’t get away again.”

For now, Adamson is MIA, her whereabouts unknown to anyone but Agent O’Shea. He claims that he finally has new evidence that Adamson killed her younger sister, hid the body, and dodged the penal system.

This reporter isn’t so sure; there are too many unknowns to state that Adamson did it without a shadow of a doubt. But then, I always root for the underdog. And in this case, no one is more of an underdog than Rylee Adamson.

About the Author

ShannonMayer (2)

Shannon Mayer lives in the southwestern tip of Canada with her husband, dog, cats, horse, and cows. When not writing she spends her time staring at immense amounts of rain, herding old people (similar to herding cats) and attempting to stay out of trouble. Especially that last is difficult for her.

She is the author of the The Rylee Adamson Novels, The Nevermore Trilogy, A Celtic Legacy series and several contemporary romances. Please visit her website at for more information on her novels.

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